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Szent és profán-Balassa Júlia&Somogyi Ferenc

The title of the exhibit is "Saint and profan".

It is a little more specific approach to the world around us and the theme of the artists.

We tend to categorize things; something good or bad, nice or ugly, useful, or harmful, and we could go ont o list all the compartments of our brain. ... But the world is not that simple. Much more complex and more complicated, we can say that all things and happenings are judged by our personal attitudes and behaviors. We determine for ourselves what kind of sign to put in front of, what quality we associate it with. We can live the simplest things of life as holiness, but we can also degrade the most exalted feelings. Often the profane and the sacre can be found in the events of life. It is difficult to separate the two things depending on how we live and what kind of quality we associate with them.

The viewer, when standing at the exhibition hall, has different focus points on the topics raised by artists and can decide which he has the meaning of the holy or the profane or both.

Julia Balassa


Budapest Museum Hotel
1088, Trefort Street 2
361/485 1080
The foundation exhibits temporary exhibitions and carries out its educational activities and meetings in the art gallery of the Hotel Museum Budapest